Shoe Repairs And Several Other Things When I Was 7

Shoe Repairs And Several Other Things When I Was 7
My Dad repaired most of our shoes believe it or not, I can hardly believe it myself now. With 7 pairs of shoes always needing repairs I think he was quite clever to learn how to “Keep us in shoe Leather” to coin a phrase!

He bought several different sizes of cast iron cobbler’s “lasts”. Last, the old English “Laest” meaning footprint. Lasts were holding devices shaped like a human foot. I have no idea where he would have bought the shoe leather. Only that it was a beautiful creamy, shiny colour and the smell was lovely.

But I do remember our shoes turned upside down on and fitted into these lasts, my Dad cutting the leather around the shape of the shoe, and then hammering nails, into the leather shape. Sometimes we’d feel one or 2 of those nails poking through the insides of our shoes, but our dad always fixed it.

Hiking and Swimming Galas
Dad was a very outdoorsy type, unlike my mother, who was probably too busy indoors. She also enjoyed the peace and quiet when he took us off for the day!

Anyway, he often took us hiking in the mountains where we’d have a picnic of sandwiches and flasks of tea. And more often than not we went by steam train.

We loved poking our heads out of the window until our eyes hurt like mad from a blast of soot blowing back from the engine. But sore, bloodshot eyes never dampened our enthusiasm.

Dad was an avid swimmer and water polo player, and he used to take us to swimming galas, as they were called back then. He often took part in these galas. And again we always travelled by steam train.

Rowing Over To Ireland’s Eye
That’s what we did back then, we had to go by rowboat, the only way to get to Ireland’s eye, which is 15 minutes from mainland Howth. From there we could see Malahide, Lambay Island and Howth Head of course. These days you can take a Round Trip Cruise on a small cruise ship!

But we thoroughly enjoyed rowing and once there we couldn’t wait to climb the rocks, and have a swim. We picnicked and watched the friendly seals doing their thing and showing off.

Not to mention all kinds of birdlife including the Puffin.The Martello Tower was also interesting but a bit dangerous to attempt entering. I’m getting lost in the past as I write, and have to drag myself back to the present.

Fun Outings with The camera Club
Dad was also a very keen amateur photographer, and was a member of a camera Club. There were many Sunday photography outings and along with us came other kids of the members of the club.

And we always had great fun while the adults busied themselves taking photos of everything and anything, it seemed to us. Dad was so serious about his photography that he set up a dark room where he developed and printed his photographs.

All black and white at the time. He and his camera club entered many of their favourites in exhibitions throughout Europe. I’m quite proud to say that many cups and medals were won by Dad. They have been shared amongst all his grandchildren which I find quite special.

He liked taking portraits of us kids too, mostly when we were in a state of untidiness, usually during play. Dad always preferred the natural look of messy hair and clothes in the photos of his children.

Choosing Sports Shoes

When it comes to sports, wearing protective and supportive clothing is essential, but of all your sports clothes, you must pay particular attention to your trainers. Without the correct footwear, you run the risk of causing untold problems for your body. Indeed, an ill-fitting pair of shoes can have devastating consequences for your feet, knees, hips, back, and neck. For this reason, it is important to invest money in a decent pair of trainers, designed by a reputable company who have the interests of the sportsperson at heart.When it comes to trainers, there is great variation in the quality of the shoe, and the degree to which they protect the runner. A brand such as Adidas is ideal. When Adidas first arrived in the sportswear market, they laid down the company’s constitution, which was to create Adidas trainers that would protect the feet from injury. Today, this brand competes in a global market, their survival rests upon the premise that their clothing and trainers are always of the utmost quality.If you are just embarking upon fitness regime then, more likely than not, you will not have a sufficient understanding of the qualities of a good trainer. Stick to a brand that you know, and which is trustworthy, such as Adidas trainers, and always follow the advice outlined below:

Always purchase trainers from a reputable shoe store. You can find such stores in the high street or on the Internet, either way, by shopping with a trusted store, you guarantee that any information you garner is accurate and in your best interests.
Establish the pressure points inherent in your walk. Do this by looking at the soles of your shoes, the place at which there is most wear is the area of your foot to which you apply most pressure. Buy trainers that support this area most. For example, if you find a lot of wear on the heel, you need to have a shoe that provides extra cushioning on the heel.
If you know that your feet have certain defining characteristics, a high arch for example, then contact your shoe store and ask which styles of trainer will protect your feet given their build. Of the Adidas trainers range, the Supernova Cushion 7 offers great support for people with a high arch.
Think about how vigorously you plan to exercise. The more exercise you do, the greater your need for a professionally designed trainer. If you plan to exercise a lot, you will need to spend a fair amount of money on your trainers to ensure they offer you the support you require.
The first few times you wear the shoes, you will probably find that they cause some pain, this is quite normal, and is simply because you are breaking them in. If the pain continues for a prolonged period, then you have probably purchased a style of trainers that does not support your foot.

Some Thoughts on Home Schooling

What do home schooling groups need to do to keep their parents up on the latest and insure that their kids get a quality home education. There are many things to consider and with groups of parents working together they can learn a lot from each other. Here are some thoughts below;
Of course I am a huge proponent of mentorship from parents and others with specialties, although I was not home-schooled I know the mentorships I received helped me for sure.
If the parents feed their kids sugar and crap before school they act out more and if there is little or no discipline at home, how could there be in the classroom and it only takes a few disruptive kids to destroy the classroom setting of course. Parents of home schooled kids have this advantage and can control their pre-study diets and have no disruptions from other kids
Kids in Public Schools are more extra-introverted than those kids from home schooling. Socialization strategies must be considered if the kids are home schooled.
Home Schooled kids may not be more intelligent, granted but they are probably forced to study harder if their parents are there watching them. and perhaps less afraid to ask questions and thus this aids greatly in learning too. Children afraid to ask questions in a public school might be at a disadvantage.
Homeschooling Parents must teach their kids to tackle unknown, even thrive on it, seek it out and learn. That is important, that can happen through sports, new activities and such.
It is very important, if home schooling parents can teach children to become Rennaissance Style learners. I think this can be done with home schooling and perhaps groups of homeschoolers working together in teams, where the expertise of one parent is taught to the entire network of many other local homeschooling families, and as we search these things online it appears that is starting to happen.
Special programs, videos libraries and such all geared to the homeschooling parents, even educational retail stores, some good is happening due to demand and free market mechanisms too.
Home schooling parents do a good job teaching the kids right and wrong and when they get out in the real world, it’s a total shock.
I hope you will consider these points if you choose homeschooling. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you..